Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Right of Americans!

Hey blog readers it is Hunter K.

  And today's blog post will be about American Citizenship and the first 10 Amendments to the constitution also known as The Bill of Rights. 

     In order to become a American citizen from another county you have to go through many steps in order to achieve your overall goal. But before all of that begins you first must arrive in the country legally with a Green Card or a Passport and find some place to live and work. After that you must fill out an application at the cost of $675.00, then explain to a judge why you would make a good citizen to the United States of America. You will then have to know U.S. history, civics, and the English Language. You will then have to be fingerprinted  for Identification and finally take an oath of allegiance to the United States of America.
Now you may be asking yourself why didn't I have to do this if I was born in the U.S. the reason is you are taught all of this in your school.

   Now some of you may be fa miler with the 8th Amendment. This states that your punishment for a crime will not too harsh life being pelted with food or anything like that. It also states that the bail for a crime will not be to high.

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